Canceling the Call Out Culture

By Brian Bachand
Westover Auto Salvage

If I had a dollar for every time I heard the phrase “No one wants to work anymore” or “It’s hard finding good help nowadays”, maybe then Warren Buffet would be asking me for financial advice. These phrases are heard everywhere across the nation and throughout seemingly every industry. Companies with a hundred plus employees to ones with less than ten. When asked what a few of the primary challenges are that the auto recycler faces in 2024, I would be shocked to not hear employees, the help, or employee related concerns, not be a leading answer. But even if it is not the biggest obstacle we face, it is something that we all deal with on a daily basis.

Imagine if right now I was to say, you know what I’m just going to call out 30 minutes before this deadline to submit this article. No sweat right, no consequences, I will write the next article, show up for the next deadline. Sorry writers team, you are going to have to finish this one. This is the kind of thing that has become common practice and we’ve allowed it to become acceptable. It is prevalent in today’s workforce. No one wants to work and no one wants to work hard is the major consensus.

We can point the finger at society’s paradigm shift since the pandemic, the generational gap, possibly even the media influence or maybe that The Fourth Turning is here. But pointing the finger to blame is only adding to the problem. We are widening the gap when we should be bridging the divide. People are on both sides of these sayings, people directly above us and below us. Rich and Poor, Managers, Employees, piss poor management and no-show useless help. We are the problem. If we as a whole could step back and look at this conundrum from a different point of view, maybe put ourselves in the opposing side’s shoes, we may be able to find some traction. So, lace ’em up tight, we are about to get knee deep in it.

Employees are hired to help and what they do contributes to the bottom line but more importantly to the daily operations, culture and vitality. So, the biggest thing we can do for those in power, is to define what is our mission and what is our culture? When we know ourselves, and who we aim to be, we can better define and attract the like-minded and motivated people we seek. If you have not seen Pat and Mike of PAM’S Auto 2021 Video in the A-R-A University, “How Consistent Customer Service & Business Policy will Grow your Profits” or if you have, I implore you to watch this video and watch it again.

Right there, first thing, Mike goes into detail about the vetting process a potential employee must go through to work at PAM’S Auto. This protocol is a meticulously defined procedure that Pat lays out in such great detail that it should be the standard or the measuring stick that we compare our hiring processes to. If you iron out what it is you aim to achieve, then you can move forward in a different direction that will allow you to put your best efforts into this process and hire the correct people that are going to be the right fit for your business. It all starts with you. You are one of those who do show up and work hard every day, day in, day out and do not call out. If you were not or are not, you sure can be. Take extreme accountability for this, make it happen and continue to work hard, and you will create the good help that will breed more good help.

This starts with changing your expectations. Change your expectations of your business and your business model. Re-evaluate your expectations of your management, of your employees and re-evaluate the expectations that you have set upon yourself. You know what you want out of your business and where you want to see it go and grow. So how is changing your expectations of those who work for you going to help you achieve this? This humanizing paradigm shift will hopefully allow you to better understand the challenges, needs and motivations of your potential and current employees.

And here is the million-dollar question, why is everyone calling out? This is so frustrating and throws our daily operations plans for a major hurdle. We thrust people in the fire because we need it done now, or we overwork our reliable staff because we cannot think of better solutions, so we give the capable an increased workload in an attempt to keep pace, creating new problems while trying to find temporary solutions.. Sometimes we do fine, sometimes production is severely hindered by the musical chairs of who is to show up each day. However, auto recyclers are resilient and continue to grind on and make it work. It is something I try to remember when people are cursing the callouts and saying no one wants to work or make the valid point that McDonalds in California is giving their employees $20 an hour. We all face challenges and must deal with them the best we can. So, what motivates people to callout and how can we curb this contemporary cultural trend?

What this comes down to is how can we compete with people’s lives? How can our business become a high priority for our employees’ daily tasks? In this era, seemingly what goes on outside of the workplace trumps what takes place at work for much of the workforce. One may go as far as to say that an employee’s challenges that directly affect their lives outside of work will motivate them to choose addressing the external challenge and creating problems at work instead of parlaying it and fulfilling work obligations. These challenges include a myriad of different scenarios and contributing factors to the actual reasons in which people call out. Our old expectation screams frustration with things liken to the adjectives of lazy, useless, snowflakes, irresponsible, and unstable. However, if we have not employed the correct hiring processes to vet out people who fit these potentially perceived blanket titles or created and stood by consequences for not meeting expectations, then we have only ourselves to blame.

Our Employees have a life outside of work, they have families and dependents, they are their own bosses making lots of important decisions. Their decisions have consequences, and so should their decisions to decide to not show up to work. We must create consequences and remain consistent with the discipline to enforce said consequences, in order to achieve our goal. Yes, I understand we can’t just fire everyone or constantly write up absenteeism but there needs to be an order to things.

Quid pro Quo, Just like Rob Rainwater has said in reference to our old, inventoried vehicles, “Don’t fall in love with the box”. We should marry our interests and goals with the needs of the employee. We are invested but not married to the employees or the vehicles outback, and nor are we running a museum or a charity for that matter. So, at a calculated point in time, we must cut our losses and or reassess what is making us money. If we can control what is within our control, and remain consistent in our own procedures, we can then decide what is worth investing in and who needs to go.

All whom we hire should be worth investing in, for our employees are one of, if not our biggest asset and should be treated that way. Respect is absolutely essential and it must flow both ways to incentivize our workforce to care about their jobs, the daily work they do and how the business performs. We need to go beyond employee engagement and do better to manage performance and health of both the business and the workforce. Shows of appreciation and gratitude go much further in this decade than it did the last and it is best practice to demonstrate both. Communicating your expectations of their expected role in the company and their responsibilities, as well as to hear what they expect of you, is also very important in moving forward towards your shared goal. How we approach each person is different yet we must consistently empower all of their roles and enhance their life at work so our business becomes a priority in their lives. One that motivates them to solve problems, delegate needs and address challenges on their own time away from work, rather than taking work time to do so.

To cancel the call-out culture we must continue to lead by example and show up each day and work hard like we have always done. However, we must change our perception of today’s workforce and accommodate their changing challenges, needs and values. Instead of paid incentives, think in terms of paid time off or a more flexible work schedule. Address your hiring process, attract the like-minded people and assimilate your expectations. Hold yourself accountable and be the change you want to see in your company. If you remain consistent with your culture, communications and consequences, you will be able to create the good help you are looking for. Changing your expectations, understanding and hiring the right workforce, and proficient training and re-training, will give our people the tools they need to succeed. We will begin to reap what we sow and move away from this perilous predicament and towards the prospect of prosperity.

ARA Partners on the PART Act

In August, a joint industry letter from the coalition supporting the passage of the PART Act was signed by ARA and sent to Capitol Hill. The Coalition, which ARA has been working with since 2022, now has 120 organizations supporting the passage of a federal catalytic converter anti-theft bill. The content of the letter illustrates its importance across the supply chain.

August 29, 2024

The Honorable Jack Reed Chairman
Committee on Armed Services
228 Russell Senate Office Building Washington, DC 20510

The Honorable Maria Cantwell Chair
Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation
U.S. Senate Washington, DC 20510
The Honorable Roger Wicker Ranking Member
Committee on Armed Services
228 Russell Senate Office Building Washington, DC 20510

The Honorable Ted Cruz Ranking Member
Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation
U.S. Senate Washington, DC 20510

Dear Chairman Reed, Chair Cantwell, Ranking Member Wicker and Ranking Member Cruz:

We, the undersigned organizations representing a cross-section of industry and interested stakeholders, are writing in strong support of Amdt. 2422 to S. 4638, the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2025, filed by Sens. Amy Klobuchar (D-Minn.) and Mike Braun (R-Ind.). The amendment is identical to the “Preventing Auto Recycling Theft” (PART) Act (S. 154), a bipartisan bill to combat the growing national problem of catalytic converter theft. This bill gives law enforcement additional tools to fight catalytic converter theft which has risen by nearly 900% between 2019 and 2023.[1]

As you may be aware, catalytic converters are being stolen at increasingly higher rates because they contain valuable metals, such as rhodium, platinum and palladium. Thieves can easily steal catalytic converters from vehicles, and since they are not readily traceable, there is a lucrative market for these stolen parts. These thefts are costing millions of dollars to businesses and vehicle owners alike. In addition, for consumers, replacing a catalytic converter is costly and often difficult due to the part’s skyrocketing demand and supply chain shortages.

The urgency of addressing catalytic converters thefts has risen as these thefts have increasingly turned violent, with many victims sustaining injuries and even losing their lives when confronting thieves. Recently, in a highly publicized tragedy, 37-year-old soap opera actor Johnny Wactor lost his life after confronting thieves stealing his converter.2 Many such dangerous events have occurred across the country including a Harris County (Texas) Sheriff Deputy Darren Almendarez who was shot and killed while off duty after he confronted thieves in a grocery store parking lot in the middle of the day.[3]

The lack of traceable identifying marks on a catalytic converter allows criminals to launder the parts by selling to local middlemen, often referred to as “core buyers,” who buy stolen parts to then sell to scrap yards or smelters. Stolen catalytic converters can garner anywhere up to $350 each on the black market, while the replacement cost to vehicle owners can be as high as $2,500. Repair costs are often higher because thieves regularly damage other parts of the vehicle when removing the catalytic converter.

The PART Act provides a national framework to help law enforcement combat rising catalytic converter theft. Because this crime frequently involves trafficking stolen parts across state lines, a federal framework is needed to aid the efforts of local law enforcement.[4] The bill also provides that catalytic converter transactions are recorded and made readily accessible to law enforcement officials to ensure bad actors are caught within the chain of commerce.

Additionally, the legislation requires new vehicles to have unique, traceable identifying numbers stamped on catalytic converters at the time of assembly. It is important to clarify that S. 154 requires new vehicles to have a traceable identifying number stamped on the catalytic converter that is traceable back to the vehicle’s VIN. Currently, unless a thief is caught in the act of stealing a catalytic converter, there is no way to tie the stolen part to a specific vehicle.

Parts marking is an effective deterrent to theft and a vital tool for prosecutors, as it ties a stolen catalytic converter back to a victim’s vehicle.[5] A 1998 Department of Transportation report analyzing the efficacy of vehicle parts marking laws concluded, “it appears that parts marking and other provisions of the 1984 and 1992 Acts have given the law enforcement community tools they can use to deter thefts, trace stolen vehicles and parts, and apprehend and convict thieves.”[6] A follow-up report commissioned by the  Department of Justice corroborated this finding and went further by stating that “parts marking is cost- beneficial.”[7]

According to law enforcement, marking catalytic converters would preserve their resources and give local law enforcement the tools they need to prosecute thieves while also acting as a theft deterrent. The bill also establishes a federal criminal penalty for the theft, sale, trafficking or known purchase of stolen catalytic converters of up to five years in jail.

The bipartisan PART Act provides local law enforcement the necessary support needed to combat rising and dangerous catalytic converter theft. While we strongly support this amendment, we believe it would be strengthened by the addition of these perfecting provisions linked below.8 The undersigned organizations urge you to vote YES on Amdt. 2422 to S. 4638 to address this growing national problem which is affecting consumers and small businesses alike. Thank you for your consideration.

        Automotive Recyclers Association

American Property Casualty Insurance Association
American Rental Association
American Truck Dealers
American Trucking Associations
CAR Coalition
Elite Catering & Event Professionals
International Association of Chiefs of Police
Major Cities Chiefs Association
Major County Sheriffs of America
NAFA Fleet Management Association
National Association of Emergency Medical Technicians
National Association of Mutual Insurance Companies
National Auto Auction Association
Ntional Automatic Merchandising Association
National Consumer League
National District Attorneys Association
National Insurance Crime Bureau
National Private Truck Council
National RV Dealers Association
National Salvage Vehicle Reporting Program
National Sheriffs’ Association
National Tank Truck Carriers
NTEA – The Work Truck Association
Truck Renting and Leasing Association
Alaska Trucking Association
Arizona Automobile Dealers Association
Arkansas Automobile Dealers Association
Austin Automobile Dealers Association
Auto Dealers Association of Mega Milwaukee
Automobile Dealers Association of Alabama
Automobile Dealers Association of Indiana
Automobile Dealers Association of Kansas City
Automobile Dealers Association of North Dakota
California New Car Dealers Association
California Trucking Association
Chicago Automobile Trade Association
Colorado Automobile Dealers Association
Colorado Motor Carriers Association
Connecticut Automotive Retailers Association
Delaware Automobile and Truck Dealers’ Association
Detroit Auto Dealers Association
Florida Automobile Dealers Association
Georgia Automobile Dealers Association
Georgia Motor Trucking Association
Greater Cincinnati Automobile Dealers Association
Greater Cleveland Automobile Dealers’ Association
Greater Los Angeles New Car Dealers Association
Greater New York Automobile Dealers Association
Hawaii Automobile Dealers Association
Idaho Automobile Dealers Association
Idaho Trucking Association
Illinois Automobile Dealers Association
Illinois Trucking Association
Indiana Motor Truck Association
Iowa Automobile Dealers Association
Iowa Motor Truck Association
Kansas Automobile Dealers Association
Kentucky Automobile Dealers Association
Kentucky Trucking Association
Louisiana Automobile Dealers Association
Maine Automobile Dealers Association
Maine Motor Transport Association
Maryland Automobile Dealers Association
Maryland Motor Truck Association
Massachusetts State Automobile Dealers Association
Michigan Automobile Dealers Association
Minnesota Auto Dealers Association
Mississippi Automobile Dealers Association
Mississippi Trucking Association
Missouri Automobile Dealers Association
Missouri Trucking Association
Montana Automobile Dealers Association
Montana Trucking Association
Motor Transport Association of Connecticut
Nebraska New Car & Truck Dealers Association
Nevada Franchised Auto Dealers Association
Nevada Trucking Association
New Car Dealers Association San Diego County
New Car Dealers of Utah
New Hampshire Automobile Dealers Association
New Jersey Coalition of Automotive Retailers
New Jersey Motor Truck Association
New Mexico Automotive Dealers Association
New Mexico Trucking Association
New York State Automobile Dealers Association
North Carolina Automobile Dealers Association
North Dakota Motor Carriers Association
Ohio Automobile Dealers Association
Oklahoma Automobile Dealers Association
Oklahoma Trucking Association
Oregon Auto Dealers Association
Oregon Trucking Association
Pennsylvania Automotive Association
Pennsylvania Motor Truck Association
Rhode Island Automobile Dealers Association
Rhode Island Trucking Association
Rochester Automobile Dealers Association
South Carolina Automobile Dealers Association
South Carolina Trucking Association
South Dakota Auto Dealers Association
South Dakota Trucking Association
Tennessee Automotive Association
Tennessee Trucking Association
Texas Automobile Dealers Association
Texas Trucking Association
Trucking Association of Massachusetts
Trucking Association of New York
Utah Trucking Association
Vermont Vehicle and Automotive Distributors Association
Virginia Automobile Dealers Association
Virginia Trucking Association
Washington Area New Automobile Dealers Association
Washington State Auto Dealers Association
Washington Trucking Associations
West Virginia Automobile Dealers Association
Wisconsin Automobile & Truck Dealers Association

1  “Catalytic Converter Thefts Decline As Laws Tighten, Scrap Metal Prices Weaken” Bumper, Dec. 11, 2023,

2  “Johnny Wactor, ‘General Hospital’ actor, fatally shot in L.A.” NBC News, May 26, 2024, culture/tv/johnny-wactor-general-hospital-actor-fatally-shot-l-rcna154138

3   “Off-Duty Texas Deputy Killed in Shootout With Suspected Catalytic Converter Thieves” NBCDFW, April 1, 2022, thieves/2929620/

4  “Justice Department Announces Takedown of Nationwide Catalytic Converter Theft Ring,” U.S. Department of Justice, Nov. 2, 2022,

5  Vehicle parts marking was first enacted by Congress in the Motor Vehicle Theft Law Enforcement Act of 1984 [P.L. 98-547]. This law gave the Department of Transportation authority to prescribe by regulation a “vehicle theft prevention standard” which would require that manufacturers and importers of new passenger car models mark the major components of “high theft vehicles” with an identification number to help prevent their theft for “chop shop” operations. This program was expanded eight years later in the Anti-Car Theft Act of 1992 [P.L. 102-519]. See “Motor Vehicle Theft Prevention Statutes – General Overview.” U.S. Department of Justice, Jan. 17, 2020, motor-vehicle-theft-prevention-statutes-general-overview

6  “Auto Theft and Recovery: Effects of the Anti Car Theft Act of 1992 and the Motor Vehicle Theft Law Enforcement Act of 1984.” National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, July 1998

7  “Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Automobile Parts Marking and Anti-Theft Devices on Preventing Theft.” Abt Associates Inc, Sept. 2003,

8   “Proposed Coalition Amendments to the Preventing Auto Recycling Theft Act (H.R. 621/S. 154).” NADA, July 23, 2024,

Automotive Recyclers Association Welcomes New Executive Director


The Automotive Recyclers Association is proud to announce that Vince Edivan has assumed the role of Executive Director for the Association, taking the helm at ARA’s recent 81st Annual Convention and Exposition in Reno, Nevada.  The move follows a year-long period of transition during which Executive Director responsibilities were passed to Edivan from professional automotive recycler and ARA Past President, Sandy Blalock.  Blalock was hired as ARA Executive Director in 2018 and continues to manage several automotive recycling organizations at the state level.  
 “I am deeply honored to accept the role of Executive Director for ARA and want to acknowledge the remarkable contributions of Sandy Blalock and the dedicated leaders who preceded me,” said Edivan.  “Their vision, hard work, and unwavering commitment have paved the way for ARA’s continuing success, and I am humbled to carry forward their legacy.  I am grateful to the Executive Committee and Board of Directors for placing their trust in me. I am excited about the opportunity to work collaboratively with industry stakeholders, while advocating for practices that promote the automotive recycling industry and serve the needs of our members. Together with the tireless work done by our respected ARA team, we will build upon the strong foundation established by those who came before us, and I am eager to embark on this journey of growth and excellence.”
Edivan joined ARA in 2019 in a member relations capacity and has worked to build a strong rapport with automotive recyclers, industry vendors and stakeholders throughout the country. He has enjoyed a diverse career in the automotive and recycling industries, starting as an ASE Certified mechanic.  Later as a Claims Branch Manager at Progressive Insurance, Vince collaborated with corporate process and claims audit teams to establish Standard Operating Procedures for Claims Service Centers nationwide. He also gained experience working with industry leaders like Manheim and Copart. Prior to joining ARA, Vince served as the National Director of Remarketing for The Military Order of the Purple Hearts’ vehicle donation program and as an industry consultant.
“We are thrilled to welcome Vince Edivan as our new Executive Director,” said ARA President, Eric Wilbert.  “His deep industry knowledge, passion for sustainability, and dedication to our members make him the ideal leader to guide ARA into the future.  I have had the honor of working with Vince prior to joining the ARA Executive Committee and know he will lead our industry in the right direction, protecting and advocating to ensure the viability of the automotive recycling industry for years to come.” 

Eric Wilbert Becomes President of Automotive Recyclers Association


Professional automotive recycler Eric Wilbert of Wilbert’s Premium Auto Parts in Rochester, New York was recently welcomed as the new President of the Automotive Recyclers Association (ARA). Wilbert was formally confirmed as President on October 24, 2024, during the Association’s 81st Annual Convention and Exposition held in Reno, Nevada.  Wilbert brings decades of experience in the industry and has served on ARA’s Executive Committee since 2021.
“The ARA has been advocating on behalf of the professional automotive recycler for over 80 years, it is my privilege to be a part of the Executive Committee and continue this legacy,” said Wilbert in his first remarks as Association President. “I am honored and humbled to serve our membership and the industry during my year as President.”
Wilbert was born and raised in Western New York working for the family business that was founded in 1952.  Today, Wilbert’s has over 230 employees working at four full-service locations and three self-service locations.  In addition, the company operates a full-service retail tire facility as well as the largest Christmas tree farm in the Rochester area. 
Eric grew up across the street from the family’s original location and would often be found assisting his family after getting off the school bus.  He began working for the family full-time after college, gathering experience in a variety of positions within the operation.  While overseeing shipping and dispatch, he eventually transferred to the family’s third location in Williamson where he began to manage their third location as well as their first self-serve location.   Today, Wilbert is the Director of Self-Service Operations overseeing the company’s three self-service yards in Western New York. 
In addition to his duties and responsibilities with the ARA, Eric currently serves as a board member for the Automotive Recyclers Association of New York (ARANY).  He served as president of ARANY from 2019-2022 where he began to show interest in working for associations that have supported his family and the industry for nearly a century. 
“I am excited to work with Eric this coming year and have no doubt that he will do his best to represent the ARA membership at-large,” said ARA Executive Director, Vince Edivan.  “Eric is thoughtful, decisive, and holds himself and those around him to the highest standards.  He is approachable, a great collaborator, and I know many of our self-service members are excited about the unique perspective he brings to the office as President.”

ARA Helps College & Trade School Students Succeed!


The ARA Scholarship Foundation, Inc., a non-profit organization of the Automotive Recyclers Association, promotes higher education through the awarding of scholarships based on scholastic achievement. They are available to those seeking a post-high school education who are:

  1. An employee’s child/children
  2. An owner’s child/children
  3. An employee

This valuable benefit helps a student to realize their dreams of higher education, and is an investment
in the future.

Applicants are eligible for:

  • Up to 4 years of scholarship awards of $1,500/yr. for any field in trade/tech schools, colleges, or universities.
  • Up to 4 years of scholarship awards of $2,000/yr. for Automotive Industry-related studies.
  • Up to 4 years of scholarship awards of $750/yr. for part-time students working a minimum of 20 hrs./week at an ARA member facility.

Each year, past recipients must renew their application to continue to receive future awards.

How CAN students APPLY?
to apply or renew!

If you have questions, please call
(571) 208-0428 Ext. 2 or email

Professional Automotive Recycler Thomas Andrade Nominated to Join Executive Committee of Automotive Recyclers Association

The Automotive Recyclers Association (ARA) today announced that professional automotive recycler Tom Andrade of Everett’s Auto Parts. in Brockton, Massachusetts has been nominated to join the Association Executive Committee as Secretary for 2024-2025.  Tom is currently Controller and General Manager for Everett’s, a family-owned business founded in 1951 by Everett Andrade and operated by Roy & Mark Andrade after Everett’s passing.  He is a third-general automotive recycler and will be formally confirmed by the ARA Board of Directors and Membership during ARA’s 81st Annual Convention and Exposition taking place October 23-26th in Reno, Nevada. 

“Tom’s dedication to our industry is unparalleled,” said Shan Lathem, Immediate Past President and chair of ARA’s Nominating Committee.  “His open-mindedness and progressive approach ensure that he will not only uphold our traditions but also drive innovation. Tom’s willingness to share his knowledge and articulate vision make him a catalyst for success, inspiring all of us in the automotive recycling community.”

Added Sandy Blalock, ARA Executive Director, “Tom is known for his innovative approach to problem solving in our industry. He is continually dedicated to achieving excellence in all his endeavors. His commitment to high standards and continuous improvement will inspire ARA to strive for the best outcomes.”

Everett’s started as a collection of vehicles, transforming into a successful full-service professional automotive recycling facility by the mid-1980s, at which point the business shifted to a self-service business model.  In the late 1990’s, the company transformed yet again into a hybrid operation with a full, self, and scrap business.  Technology and adaptability have been key to Everett’s expansion and the business currently operates a full-service business, self-service, new aftermarket warehouse, end-of-life vehicle scrap operation, used car lot and full-service tire center.

For fourteen years, Tom has served in leadership for the Automotive Recyclers of Massachusetts and is currently Vice President.  He joined the ARA Board of Directors in 2022.  He received his Bachelor of Science degree in Finance from Bentley University and worked for Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts prior to joining the family business in 1996.  Tom has been married to his wife Anne, a schoolteacher, for 27 years and they have three children, Hannah, an elementary public-school teacher, Benjamin, MBA Graduate student at Bryant University, and Matthew, a freshman at Roger Williams University.

“I am truly honored to be nominated for the ARA Executive Committee,” said Andrade.  “I am looking forward to working with the amazing leadership within ARA to represent the best interests of all professional auto recyclers.”

The Automotive Recyclers Association Releases Battery Material Use Hierarchy

The Automotive Recyclers Association (ARA) is pleased to publish the following Battery Material Use Hierarchy (the Hierarchy) created in collaboration with the Argonne National Laboratory. The Hierarchy describes putting batteries to their highest and best use and highlights a preferred path of batteries after they have served their initial purpose. Encouraging and incentivizing the reuse, reconditioning, remanufacturing, and repurposing of batteries that have served their initial purpose promotes a transition to battery electric power while reducing the carbon footprint associated with the manufacturing of a battery. Each step in the Hierarchy (from most preferred outcome to least preferred outcome) represents a retention of the greatest value and energy already invested in the original battery.

While the Hierarchy is applicable to all battery types and chemistries, ARA and its members are taking the lead by actively advancing the national imperative of highest and best use of electric vehicle batteries. Through its strategic relationship with the National Salvage Vehicle Reporting Program (NSVRP), ARA and its certified high voltage vehicle trained members are participating in the NSVRP battery registry program. This program is designed to help ensure that electric vehicle batteries that have served their initial purpose are directed to their highest and best use whenever possible. ARA would also like to thank ARA Past President, Scott Robertson Jr. of Robertson’s Auto Salvage (Wareham, MA), for his leadership and assistance.

For more information, please contact Emil Nusbaum, JD/CIPP/US at

ARA Secures Legislative Wins to Defend the Industry

ARA is currently monitoring over 76 pieces of legislation and regulatory actions both in the states and federally.

In the first month of the new year, ARA has already secured several legislative successes in state legislatures. ARA has successfully defended the automotive recycling industry by advocating for the use of recycled original equipment parts, the use of aftermarket parts, and the importance of automotive recyclers within the end-of-life framework for electric vehicles. So far, ARA has been working with local recyclers and industry stakeholders in multiple states such as Washington, Idaho, and Florida.
In Washington State, ARA opposed House Bill 2011 and Senate Bill 6252. ARA has successfully opposed this piece of legislation in past years and once again worked to ensure that it would not become law. These two bills require that any insurance covered vehicle repair follow OEM procedures and processes. ARA raised concerns with this language since several OEMs have public processes and procedures that disallow the use for recycled original equipment motor vehicle repair parts. After submitting testimony opposing the set of bills, ARA had productive conversations with the bill sponsors. Both of these bills will not move forward this year.
In Idaho, ARA opposed Senate Bill 1233 along with local recyclers and industry stakeholders. Senate Bill 1233 took a hard position against the use of aftermarket repair parts and repair parts not sourced by an OEM. For example, in the case an insurance repair includes the use of aftermarket or repair parts not sourced from an OEM, the bill would require an insured vehicle owner to receive a written estimate containing a statement that “use of nonoriginal equipment manufacturer (non-OEM) crash parts may affect the safety and performance of your vehicle. It is recommended that you consult with a qualified industry expert or repair shop before making any decisions regarding the use of non-OEM crash parts.” This statement is designed to dissuade vehicle owners from using any part other than one sourced directly from an OEM. ARA is pleased to have testified against the bill and to announce that the bill will not be moving forward.
In Florida, ARA worked closely with Florida Auto Dismantlers & Recyclers Association (FADRA) to provide input on a bill that would create a deposit program for electric vehicle batteries. The bill sought to create a battery deposit program that appears to mimic a can deposit program where a vehicle owner will receive a statutorily prescribed dollar amount when a battery or vehicle containing a battery is: (1) relinquished or sold to a motor vehicle dealer or motor vehicle repair shop; (2) a vehicle’s titleholder provides proof of the vehicle leaving the state; (3) a vehicle’s titleholder proves the vehicle was stolen; (4) a fire department can claim the deposit if they extinguish a battery fire originating from a vehicle. As written, the bill makes the assumption that the mere act of returning a battery electric vehicle or battery to a dealer or repair shop will result in the responsible handling of a high voltage battery. ARA and FADRA were able to communicate the importance of the automotive recycling industry in relation to the processing and safe handling of high voltage vehicle batteries and welcome further cooperation between our associations and the legislature in preparing effective electric vehicle battery management policy.
It has only been one month since the start of 2024 legislative sessions throughout the state legislatures and ARA has already secured important wins for the automotive recycling industry. ARA is currently monitoring over 76 pieces of legislation and regulatory actions both in the states and federally. As the advocate for the automotive recycling industry, ARA continues to promote the importance of the automotive recycling industry on the vehicle repair market and the environment. ARA is here to work with local and state affiliates on legislative and policy matters and will continue its work to advocate for the industry.

Emil Nusbaum, VP of Strategy, Government and Regulatory Affairs is Named Co-Chair of NAATBatt’s Policy and Regulatory Committee

February 2024 – Emil Nusbaum was named co-chair of NAATBatt’s Policy and Regulatory Committee. Emil will serve as co-chair along with Jeff Yambrick, Founder and CEO of Energy Supply Developers. NAATBatt International is the preeminent trade association for advanced battery technology in North America. Members of NAATBatt include organizations and companies across the entire battery value chain. Emil is excited to have the opportunity to work with committee members on issues related to the proliferation of battery technologies and policy.