When it reaches the end of the road, 86% of an automobile (by weight) can be reused or recycled. And that’s no accident. That’s the mission of the Automotive Recyclers of Massachusetts.

It’s Electric

EVs present new challenges for recycling. ARM is helping our members training their staff and adapt their facilities to handle batteries and related components safely as hybrids and EVs reach their end of life.

Carbon Footprint Study

By reclaiming auto parts for reuse, then recycling the steel and aluminum left in vehicles at the end of their usable life, recyclers in Massachusetts reduce the state’s carbon footprint by at least 2.2 million tons of carbon dioxide annually, according to a study completed at Worcester Polytechnic Institute (WPI).

The Automotive Recyclers Association Releases Battery Material Use Hierarchy

The Automotive Recyclers Association (ARA) is pleased to publish the following Battery Material Use Hierarchy (the Hierarchy) created in collaboration with the Argonne National Laboratory. The Hierarchy describes putting batteries to their highest and best use and highlights a preferred path of batteries after they have served their initial purpose. … Continue reading The Automotive Recyclers Association Releases Battery Material Use Hierarchy